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Interested in outdoor fun?

Troop 834 will be hosting another Activity day on September 28. We will offer a lot of fun outdoor activities. Check out the flyer and be sure to save the date. More information will circulated shortly.

Heat wave: Pool or regular meeting?

Temps are predicted to be high this week. Anyone interested in moving our weekly meeting to the Scott Pool? We can swim for a bit, have a quick meeting discussion on topics and then jump back into the pool.

Majority rules will determine the answer. Vote by 12 noon on Tuesday and votes with most will win.

Vote here:

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Spring Court of Honor

Tuesday 5/21/24
Location: Scott Park, the community room above the swimming pool
• Time: 7pm
• Scouts: wear full Class A Uniform
• Parents: please bring a food item for the post reception
• Water, plates, napkins, utensils will be provided

Download Program here

Car wash

Come on Saturday April 20 and get your car cleaned and support Troop 834!

Former troop members wanted!

We are looking for former troop members of 834 and 262 to join us on March 26. Check out this fun night we have planned.

Check out Tr 834 – Game night

Join us on Friday night, January 19 for a special night of video games, board games, movies and snacks and see what Troop 834 is like. We are going to be playing games and just hanging out for a few hours on Friday night.


When: Friday Jan 19 from 6pm to 10pm

For: open to both boys and girls from grade 6 and up

Cost: free. Parents are asked to come in and sign a waiver for the night

Sign up here:

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New Eagle Scouts to Troop 834

Congratulations to Troop 834’s newest Eagle Scouts!

Nikhil Prasad

Nikhil has been a very active scout with Troop 834 going on many weekend camping trips and summer camps. Nikhil’s Eagle project was to assist the South Park Children’s Theater by constructing from scratch a storage locker for set design materials. Nikhil is a graduate of South Fayette High School and is now a freshman at Penn State University.

Howard Clellen

Howie began as a Cub Scout and crossed over to Troop 834 and has been active for all these years as scout. His Eagle scout project was to restore and repaint large and many sections of fencing at his church. Howie is a junior at Chartiers Valley High School.

Brogan Nagy

Brogan joined scouts years ago and has kept going to Eagle! He has been an active Order of the Arrow member and has attended the OA conclave. Brogan’s project was to revitalize the camping area at the Montour trail near Cecil-Henderson Road. Brogan is a senior at South Fayette High School.

New OA members from Tr834

Congratulations and Welcome new members into the Order of the Arrow (OA) from Troop 834. They completed their ordeal weekend at Heritage Camp on Sept 23!

  • PJ
  • Trevor
  • Declan

What is the Order of the Arrow?

For over 100 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Read more about what the OA is here…

Fall Recruiting Events

As we discussed at August Parent meeting, we are looking to expand our recruiting efforts and provide more visibility to the community about Troop 834 as an organization in the area that helps contribute to our community as well as providing a solid foundation for local boys in the community. One of the methods is to be more visible in local events.

To that end we are going to participate in multiple local public events and have a booth with flyers, scout tent, our new game we can take to these events and when available some camping/scout gear to capture attention of those attending the event to come and look at what we do.

We need your help to staff these events. Ideally please sign up for multiple blocks as we have a limited number of families, so sign up for what you can. Ideally these efforts will pay off in expanding the troop, which in turn makes these events and other volunteer activities easier. As the saying goes…”many hands make light the work”. We want to get more hands!!

Click below to see events and sign up:

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