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Popcorn Sale

2019 Details:

Help support the Popcorn Sale to make money for the troop and your scout account.

Key Dates:

  • 10/29 – Orders due – see below
  • 11/16- Popcorn will be delivered- Pick up on Saturday at 11am at 1746 Boreland Ave, 15243 (The Tagg’s house)
  • 11/21- Money due to troop.  Turn in all money!

To Sell (Take order)

  1. Download an order form from the council website here. 
  2. Prices and popcorn information available on the order form above
  3. Be sure to ask aunts/uncles, family and friend!
  4. It’s recommended that you request payment when order is placed so you don’t have to worry about collection later.
  5. Be sure to give them a receipt, Click here for Popcorn Receipts.
  6. Checks should be made to Troop 834.
  7. Be sure to get address/name printed clearly on order form

Turning in Orders:

  1. All orders must be sent to Sean Nangle by deadline date above.
  2. Only the totals per item must be turned in.
  3. You can retain your “place order” worksheets that you used to log in your orders.  It is suggested you make a copy of these as a backup.
  4. Download the: Individual-Total-Popcorn-order-Troop-834 to enter your orders and then email this to Sean at
  5. IF you can’t open and enter this spreadsheet, let Sean know ASAP to ensure we can arrange to get your orders into the Troop order


  1. Popcorn will be delivered on 11/16 at 11am
  2. Please plan to arrive between 11am and 11:30am to pick up your popcorn that will be sorted and ready for you
  3. Show up at the Tagg’s House on 1746 Boreland Ave, 15243
  4. Be sure to leave a Thank you note (template here)

Standard Prizes

  1. Prizes are new this year.  You only get Amazon gift cards this year if you sell over $350 in sales
  2. If you sell that much, then you will need to create your own account at
  3. Once you create a login to that account, it will walk you trhough getting your gift cards after the sale is over
  4. More information is posted here on the council website as they manage this part now

What goes into my account?

  1. The scout will earn 60% back into their account and 40% goes to the troop account.

For more information on the Popcorn sales, visit the council website here

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