Popcorn Sale
2019 Details:
Help support the Popcorn Sale to make money for the troop and your scout account.
Key Dates:
- 10/29 – Orders due – see below
- 11/16- Popcorn will be delivered- Pick up on Saturday at 11am at 1746 Boreland Ave, 15243 (The Tagg’s house)
- 11/21- Money due to troop. Turn in all money!
To Sell (Take order)
- Download an order form from the council website here.
- Prices and popcorn information available on the order form above
- Be sure to ask aunts/uncles, family and friend!
- It’s recommended that you request payment when order is placed so you don’t have to worry about collection later.
- Be sure to give them a receipt, Click here for Popcorn Receipts.
- Checks should be made to Troop 834.
- Be sure to get address/name printed clearly on order form
Turning in Orders:
- All orders must be sent to Sean Nangle by deadline date above.
- Only the totals per item must be turned in.
- You can retain your “place order” worksheets that you used to log in your orders. It is suggested you make a copy of these as a backup.
- Download the: Individual-Total-Popcorn-order-Troop-834 to enter your orders and then email this to Sean at Sean@Nangle.org
- IF you can’t open and enter this spreadsheet, let Sean know ASAP to ensure we can arrange to get your orders into the Troop order
- Popcorn will be delivered on 11/16 at 11am
- Please plan to arrive between 11am and 11:30am to pick up your popcorn that will be sorted and ready for you
- Show up at the Tagg’s House on 1746 Boreland Ave, 15243
- Be sure to leave a Thank you note (template here)
Standard Prizes
- Prizes are new this year. You only get Amazon gift cards this year if you sell over $350 in sales
- If you sell that much, then you will need to create your own account at Trails-End.com
- Once you create a login to that account, it will walk you trhough getting your gift cards after the sale is over
- More information is posted here on the council website as they manage this part now
What goes into my account?
- The scout will earn 60% back into their account and 40% goes to the troop account.
For more information on the Popcorn sales, visit the council website here